To get ViSta, follow these 3 steps:
- Download ViSta for Windows:
You should choose the version of ViSta for
Windows that is appropriate for the version
of Windows you are using.
- ViSta
5.0.5 for Windows 3.1(32 bit), 95, NT,
and for OS/2 (1499 KBytes).
- For Windows 95/98/NT, read about
5.6 before downloading 5.0.5.
- For Windows 3.1, this version
requires that you install version
1.15 (or later) of Microsoft's Win32s.
- For OS/2, you must have Warp version
3 or 4. Warp runs any Win32s program
EXCEPT those needing Win32s ver
1.30 - ViSta works with ver 1.15
or later.
- ViSta
5.0.5 for Windows 3.1 (16-bit version)
(1410 KBytes)
- I have been upable to test this
version, since I no longer have
access to the 16-bit operating system.
For this reason, I recommend that
you install version 1.15 (or later)
of Microsoft's Win32s
and use the 32-bit version above.
- ViSta
5.1 for Windows 95 only. (1628
KBytes). This is a development release
of ViSta that is only available for
Windows 95. It includes several new
features, and is stable. Read about
Version 5.6
before downloading 5.1.
can also get these versions by anonymous
FTP (faster than the net) from
The files vista32.exe and vista16.exe
contain the 32-bit and 16-bit versions
of version 5.05. The vista542.exe file
is a preview of the next release.
- Running ViSta the First Time
- Extracting ViSta
(This step may be done automatically by
your browser.) The downloaded file that
you receive is a self-extracting zip archive
that contains all of ViSta along with
the portions of the XLisp-Stat system
that are needed for the version of MS-Windows
that you specified. Run the .EXE file
to extract all of the ViSta files. This
should create a folder that contains VISTA.EXE,
several other files and folders named
- Configuring ViSta
Install the Andale Mono font:
Mono (formerly known as
is a freely redistributable font from
Microsoft which greatly improves the
appearance of ViSta. To install the
font, do the following:
- Windows 95 or NT: Run andale32.exe
or mtcom32.exe (read the agreement,
click yes, and then click OK -- now
the font is installed).
- Windows 3.x (32 or 16 bit):
Run MTCOM.EXE. This creates the monotype
file. Copy this file to the Win3.x
System folder. Then run the font installer
in the Win3.x Control Panel (control.exe).
Run VISTA.EXE. You should see
a dialog box (if you get an error, see
the next paragraph). The dialog box
allows you to
- Change the startup directory. By
default, the startup directory is
the one containing VISTA.EXE. It is
recommended that you not change this
(but see the information in the next
- Change fonts and font sizes. Change
the font to MONOTYPE.COM (if you have
installed it). You can change font
size from within ViSta later if it
is too small.
- Change default names of items in
the Program Group that will be created
by the configuration process. If you
wish, change the default names to
ones that you like.
Click "Configure and Quit". Click "OK"
in the next dialog box to quit. This sets
the startup directory and fonts as specified,
and creates a Program Group containing
two icons. If you used the default names,
one is named ViSta, which is the ViSta
program, and the other is named LispEdit,
which is a program editor.
Problems? If ViSta doesn't
present you with a dialog box it isn't
searching in the right directories.
This problem is especially likely in
networked environments with Windows
First, make sure that the wxls32.ini
file is in the search path. You can
try moving it to the directory that
ViSta.exe is in.
Second, you may need to make a change
to the statinit.lsp file in the directory
containing the ViSta executable. Near
the beginning of the file are the following
two statements:
;#+msdos(working-directory *default-path*)
(strcat (get-working-directory) separator)
These statements determine where
ViSta looks for it's startup files. The
two alternatives are:
- Look where wxls32.ini says to look.
The value of the variable *default-path*
in the first statement is set by the
config.lsp file and by the dialog
box seen during configuring. This
value is saved in the wxls32.ini file,
which is loaded on startup. This value
is independent of where the .exe file
is located.
- Look in the directory containing
ViSta.exe. The value of the (get-working-directory)
function in the second statement always
correpsonds to the directory in which
the .exe file is located.
Only one of these statements is being
used, the other is a comment. The semicolon
(the ; character) makes a line a comment.
You can try moving the semicolon from
one statement to the other. Note that
exactly one of the statements should have
a semicolon before it. ViSta will not
work if both statements begin with a semicolon.
- Running ViSta
Vista is now ready to run. Simply use
the ViSta icon in the Program Group.
- Get the Documentation:
Documentation for
ViSta includes a chapter overviewing its
features and presenting the motivation underlying
ViSta's design, a chapter presenting a tutorial
that introduces the user to most of ViSta's
features, and a chapter describing how to
define data within ViSta. Some additional
chapters describing specific analysis methods
are also available.
Hardware Requirements:
Both versions require a color monitor, 3 MB
of free hard disk space and 8 MB of RAM. Each
version includes XLisp-Stat 3.52.4 and ViSta
5.0.5 in a single download.
Thanks to Chris Tiffany for the tip about
the Monotype.Com font, and for his many comments
that have helped improve ViSta for Windows.