are ViSta Applets?
Applets are small ViSta application files that are downloaded
over the net to your browser, which in turn cause ViSta to run
and perform an analysis or visualization. ViSta Applets are very
handy in the teaching/learning situation, where the applets can
illustrate concepts being learned in the course.
files have the .VAF extension. This extension must be associated
with ViSta in order to have the files run ViSta. The information
on this page tells you how to do that.
Windows for ViSta Applets
- Set
your Browser Properly: You must set your web browser
with the proper options to successfully download and use ViSta
applets. If you are using Netscape under Microsoft Windows,
you should do both configurations given below. If you are using
Internet Explorer, you only need to configure Windows.
- Netscape
- Microsoft
Windows 95/98/NT
- Other
must set your browser to recognize a "mime type" that is specifically
for ViSta. Whatever browser you are using must be set so files
with extension .vaf will be recognized as corresponding to mime
type "application/x-xlispvista-applet", and so that the mime
type "application/x-xlispvista-applet" will cause the ViSta
executable to run. The files are text files. The details for
doing this will depend on the browser you are using.
- Test
your configuration: You should now be able
to click on any ViSta applet button and have the applet download
and automatically run ViSta. Try this ViSta
Applet test. It should run ViSta and display a message saying
it worked correctly. If the file is displayed within the browser,
and ViSta isn't run, try configuring again. (This should work
regardless of whether my server is configured correctly, since
my server is not involved in this process.)