Frequency Distribution Tables
- A frequency distribution table is an organized tabulation
of the number of individuals located in each category
of a variable's scale of measurement (potential scores).
- Frequency Distribution Tables (Reports)
A table which presents
the variable's scale of measurement (potential scores)
by listing the different measurement categories (X values)
in a column in order (either in ascending order - from
highest to lowest - or in descending order - from lowest
to highest).
Beside each X value is indicated the frequency (number
of times the potential score occurs in the data). Usually
the variable name is used as the heading of the scores
column (or the letter X), and an "f" is the heading
of the frequency column.
Note that the X values in the table represent the
scale of measurement, not the actual scores. For example,
in the table shown here, the category "10" appears only
once, even though the score was obtained twice. Also,
the category "5" appears even though it wasn't an observed
- The total number of observations can be obtained
by summing up all the individual frequencies. The
formula is
- The total sum of scores is not obtained
by summing up the values listed in the X column. This
ignores the frequency of each score. Thus, we must
multiply each score in the X column by its frequency
to get the total sum of scores. The formula is:
- Proportions & Percentages
- Proportions and percentages are additional measures
that describe the distribution of scores. They are often
incorporated into a basic frequency distribution table.
- Proportions measure the fraction of the total
group of scores that is associated with each score.
Proportions are sometimes called relative frequencies,
since they express frequency relative to total number.
The formula for a proportion is:
- Percentages are simply 100 times the proportion:
- Cumulative Frequencies, etc.
- Cumulative frequencies, percentages and proportions
are values which tell you the acculated information summed
over the row of the table and all preceeding rows.
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